Dr abdul qadeer khan
Abdul Qadeer Khan – Wikipedia
Abdul Qadeer Khan, NI, HI, FPAS known as A. Q. Khan, was a Pakistani nuclear physicist and metallurgical engineer who is colloquially known as the “father …
Abdul Qadeer Khan | Biography, Nuclear Weapons, & Facts
Abdul Qadeer Khan – Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi
Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan (født 1. april 1936, død 10. oktober 2021), kendt som A.Q. Khan, var en pakistansk atomfysiker. Han kaldes også “faderen af den …
Abdul Qadeer Khan | Biographies – Atomic Archive
Abdul Qadeer Khan | Biography, Nuclear Weapons, & Facts | Britannica
12. jan. 2023 — Abdul Qadeer Khan, also known as A.Q. Khan, (born April 1, 1936, Bhopal, India—died October 10, 2021, Islamabad, Pakistan), …
Abdul Qadeer Khan, also known as A.Q. Khan, (born April 1, 1936, Bhopal, India—died October 10, 2021, Islamabad, Pakistan), Pakistani engineer, a key figure in Pakistan’s nuclear weapons program who was also involved for decades in a black market of nuclear technology and know-how whereby uranium-enrichment centrifuges, nuclear warhead designs, missiles, and expertise were sold or traded to Iran, North Korea, Libya, and possibly other countries. In 1947, during Khan’s childhood, India achieved independence from Britain, and Muslim areas in the east and west were partitioned to form the state of Pakistan. Khan immigrated to West Pakistan in 1952, and
Abdul Qadeer Khan – Biography, Facts and Pictures
Abdul Qadeer Khan | Biographies
Abdul Qadeer Khan (A.Q. Kahn) was born on April 1, 1936, in Bhopal, India. As a Muslim, Khan immigrated to Pakistan in 1952. He earned his doctorate …
Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan: History & Biography – Study.com
Abdul Qadeer Khan – Biography, Facts and Pictures
Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan is a famous Pakistani nuclear scientist and a metallurgical engineer. He is widely regarded as the founder of gas-centrifuge …
Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan is a famous Pakistani nuclear scientist and a metallurgical engineer. He is widely regarded as the founder of gas-centrifuge enrichment technology for Pakistan’s nuclear deterrent program. Pakistan’s nuclear weapons program is a source of extreme national pride. As its “father”, A.Q. Khan, who headed Pakistan’s nuclear program for some 25 years,
Abdul Qadeer Khan obituary | Pakistan – The Guardian
Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan: History & Biography – Video & Lesson Transcript | Study.com
19. sep. 2022 — AQ Khan was born in 1936 in the Indian city of Bhopal. At the time, the entire Indian subcontinent was still a part of the British Empire, but …
Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan is a prominent and controversial figure in Pakistan’s history of weapons technology. Learn about the life and works of Dr….
Abdul Qadeer Khan: Nuclear hero in Pakistan, villain to the West
Abdul Qadeer Khan obituary | Pakistan | The Guardian
28. okt. 2021 — The father of Pakistan’s atomic weapons industry and the greatest proliferator of nuclear weapons in history, Abdul Qadeer Khan, …
Physicist hailed as the father of Pakistan’s atomic weapons industry who confessed to smuggling nuclear secrets
‘Father of Pakistan’s nuclear bomb’ Abdul Qadeer Khan dies
10. okt. 2021 — Revered in Pakistan, Khan was seen by West as dangerous renegade for smuggling nuclear technology to other countries. … Abdul Qadeer Khan, …
Abdul Qadeer Khan and His Proliferation Network
Abdul Qadeer Khan and His Proliferation Network – Security Outlines
24. nov. 2021 — While far from being “James Bond” or “Dr. Strangelove” [10] Khan’s legacy of nuclear proliferation should not be discounted. An ingenious …
Last month (8th of October) marked the death of Abdul Qadeer Khan, one of the most controversial figures of nuclear history. He was celebrated in his homeland as the father of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal, securing the country’s defence against nuclear threat from its eastern rival, India. He was also labelled a dangerous renegade and the
Keywords: dr abdul qadeer khan